Why Online Team Building Is Important More Than Ever During A Pandemic

Nowadays, working from home has become the norm with more and more employees spending their days, not in the office. This is where online team building activities could really help.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, a media release published earlier last year stated that almost half of the population will still be working from home. Because of the reliance on isolation, there has been a rise in loneliness and mental health issues, with 1 in 5 Australians experiencing depression or anxiety, as noted in the Guardian article. A way to help is by encouraging more fun and enjoyable interaction, which can be done with online team building.

Most employees cannot see their colleagues face to face, decreasing opportunities for social interaction and developing connections with one another. For this reason and more, virtual team building activities are becoming a necessity in the workplace. These games can help establish rapport between colleagues and encourage fun into the typical 9 to 5. They can even combat feelings of loneliness, allowing you to communicate with your coworkers in a positive way during these hard times.

For those who need more persuasion, let’s list out the many reasons why you and your business could largely benefit by doing online team building.

1# Morale Boost
Morale is key to a successful workplace which for those who are working from home could be greatly achieved with online team building activities. During these games, you and your colleagues have to work together in order to make an achievement. Collaborating with one another creates a sense of enjoyment and motivation, which provides a good morale boost to each of your colleagues. This is especially important when morale can be relatively low during these challenging times. Doing virtual team building activities will help you apply that motivation to your work projects. As a result, this will further improve the work productivity in the office.

2# Establish Connection
Having a good rapport with your colleagues is essential for a highly productive business. This can be difficult if you are working from home as your only form of communication would be text, phone, or video call, which is quite limited. Because of this, employees are feeling more isolated now than ever. Online team building aims to bridge this gap in order to improve communication and social interaction between employees. Having an excellent relationship with your peers can help when applied to the workplace. If you have a question or need help, collaborating through virtual team building activities will instill confidence in your employees to be able to speak to one another comfortably. In turn, this will improve the work productivity in the office, keeping everyone on the same page.

3# Enhanced Working Productivity
When you have the motivation and feel a part of a group, this will encourage all members to thrive, and this is definitely the case in the workplace. This can be a problem if you are all working from home. A great way to instill a sense of encouragement is by doing online team building activities which are designed to increase rapport and boost morale within the office to ultimately create connections between employees. These games are an exercise to help improve skills that can be applied to the workplace, such as communication, leadership, problem-solving, and much more. Enhancing these skills will further improve the staff’s job performance, being able to get the work done swiftly and effectively. Online time building will allow the staff to practice these core skills so that they can help improve the business from the comfort of their home.


Contact Us Now for all Your Online Team Building Needs!